The following types of patent application related correspondence may be delivered to the specific location where they are processed instead of the Customer Service Window. Before hand-carrying papers to a specific location or a particular office within the USPTO, the office should be called to obtain its current location. Applicants should check the USPTO website for the current telephone number. Any such correspondence carried to the Customer Service Window will be accepted and routed to the appropriate office, thereby incurring a delay before being processed. Correspondence which is not related to a specific patent or patent application, such as questions on policy, on employment, or other general inquiry may be hand-carried to the current designated locations depending on the substance of the correspondence.
· (A) Access Requests - Requests for access to patent application files, including files that are maintained in the Image File Wrapper and have not yet been published, may be directed to the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch Certified Copy Center (CCC) that can be found at
· (B) Patent Term Extensions under 35 U.S.C. 156 - Applications for patent term extension under 35 U.S.C. 156 may be hand-carried to the Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA) in the Madison West Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. At the guard station in Madison West, the security guard should call OPLA at (571) 272-7701 or (571) 272-7746 for delivery assistance.
· (C) Office of General Counsel - Correspondence for the Office of General Counsel may be hand-carried to the Office of General Counsel in Room 10C20 of the Madison East Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. At the guard station in Madison East, the security guard should call the Office of General Counsel at (571) 272-7000 for delivery assistance.
· (D) Solicitor’s Office - Correspondence for the Solicitor’s Office may be hand-carried to the Solicitor’s Office in Room 8C43-A of the Madison West Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. At the guard station in Madison West, the security guard should call the Solicitor’s Office at (571) 272-9035 for delivery assistance.
· (E) Interference and Trial Related Correspondence - Correspondence relating to interferences may be hand-carried to the 1st floor lobby of Madison East Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, where a drop-off box for hand-carried documents to be filed with the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (Board) is located. Customers need to pass through the magnetometer and have the materials passed through the x-ray sensor before placing them in the drop-off box. The drop-off box is for interference related correspondence only. Boxes are not permitted in the drop-off box. Box materials should be hand-carried to Madison East, Room 9B55-A using the following procedures. At the guard station in Madison East, the security guard should call the Board at (571) 272-9797 to obtain authorization to allow entry into the building for delivery to Room 9B55-A. Access to Room 9B55-A is available from 8:30 am to 4:45 pm only. Documents/boxes hand-carried to the drop-off box or to Room 9B55-A after 4:45 pm will receive the next day’s filing date. Customers desiring a stamped return receipt for their filing need to personally bring their filing and postcard to Room 9B55-A during the hours stated above, or leave the postcard with the filing (postcard must include correct postage mail stamp and the address where the postcard is to be mailed). The Board will stamp the filing date and mail the postcard to the customer. Correspondence related to contested cases may only be hand-carried as authorized by the Board.
· (F) Secrecy Order - Applications subject to a secrecy order pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 181, or that are national security classified, and correspondence related thereto, may be hand-carried to Licensing and Review in Room 4B31 of the Knox Building, 501 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. At the guard station in Knox, the security guard should call Licensing and Review at (571) 272-8203 for delivery assistance.
· (G) Expedited Foreign Filing License Petitions - Petitions for foreign filing license pursuant to 37 CFR 5.12(b) for which expedited handling is requested and petitions for retroactive license under 37 CFR 5.25 may be hand-carried to a drop-off box located at the guard station at the lobby of the Knox Building, 501 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Upon approaching the guard station, the delivery personnel should state their desire to drop off the request. Correspondence packages will be inspected/scanned before being placed in the drop-off box. All requests should identify a fax number, telephone number and mailing address. All responses to the request will be sent by fax, followed by a mailed copy. If a fax number is not available, a hardcopy will be mailed to the mailing address provided.
· (H) Petitions to Withdraw from Issue - Petitions to withdraw from issue may be hand-carried to the Office of Petitions on the 7th floor of the Madison West Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. At the guard station in Madison West, the security guard should call the Office of Petitions at (571) 272-3282 for delivery assistance. Hand-carried papers will be accepted between the hours of 8:30 am to 3:45 pm.
· (I) Documents Requested by the Office of Data Management - Documents requested by the Office of Data Management may be hand-carried to the Office of Data Management, Randolph Square, 9th floor, 2800 South Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22206, during business hours.
· (J) Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED) – Correspondence for the Office of Enrollment and Discipline may be hand-carried to the receptionist at Room 8C43-B of the Madison West Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. At the guard station in Madison West, the security guard should call the Office of Enrollment and Discipline at 571-272-4097 for delivery assistance.
· (K) Office of Finance – Refund requests, deposit account replenishments, and maintenance fee payments may be hand-carried to the Office of Finance receptionist in Suite 300 of the Carlyle Place Building, 2051 Jamieson Ave., Alexandria, VA 22314. Hand-carried correspondence will only be accepted, and not processed. Although the receptionist will not process any correspondence, if the correspondence is delivered with an itemized postcard, the receptionist will provide a delivery receipt by date stamping the postcard. Depending on whether the correspondence is a refund request, deposit account related (e.g., a deposit account replenishment), or maintenance fee related (e.g., a maintenance fee payment), the correspondence should be placed in an envelope with REFUND, DEPOSIT ACCOUNT, or MAINTENANCE FEE written in dark ink across the envelope.
· (d) Facsimile transmission. Except in the cases enumerated below, correspondence, including authorizations to charge a deposit account, may be transmitted by facsimile. The receipt date accorded to the correspondence will be the date on which the complete transmission is received in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, unless that date is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday within the District of Columbia. See paragraph (a)(3) of this section. To facilitate proper processing, each transmission session should be limited to correspondence to be filed in a single application or other proceeding before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The application number of a patent application, the control number of a reexamination or supplemental examination proceeding, the interference number of an interference proceeding, the trial number of a trial proceeding before the Board, or the patent number of a patent should be entered as a part of the sender's identification on a facsimile cover sheet. Facsimile transmissions are not permitted and, if submitted, will not be accorded a date of receipt in the following situations:
· (1) [Reserved];
· (2) Certified documents as specified in § 1.4(f);
· (3) Correspondence which cannot receive the benefit of the certificate of mailing or transmission as specified in § 1.8(a)(2)(i)(A) through (D), (F), (I) and (K), § 1.8(a)(2)(iii)(A), except that a continued prosecution application under § 1.53(d) may be transmitted to the Office by facsimile;
· (4) Color drawings submitted under §§ 1.81, 1.83 through 1.85, 1.152, 1.165, 1.173, 1.437, or 1.1026;
· (5) A request for reexamination under § 1.510 or § 1.913 or a request for supplemental examination under § 1.610;
· (6) Correspondence to be filed in an application subject to a secrecy order under §§ 5.1 through 5.5 of this chapter and directly related to the secrecy order content of the application;
· (7) In contested cases and trials before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, except as the Board may expressly authorize.
The date of receipt accorded to any correspondence permitted to be sent by facsimile transmission, including a continued prosecution application (CPA) filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d), (available for design applications only) is the date the complete transmission is received by an Office facsimile unit, unless the transmission is completed on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday within the District of Columbia. Correspondence for which transmission was completed on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday within the District of Columbia, will be accorded a receipt date of the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday within the District of Columbia. For example, a facsimile transmission to the Office from California starting on a Friday at 8:45 p.m. Pacific time and taking 20 minutes, would be completed at 9:05 p.m. Pacific time. The complete transmission would be received in the Office around 12:05 a.m. Eastern time on Saturday. The receipt date accorded to the correspondence is the date of the following business day, which in this case, would be Monday (assuming that Monday was not a Federal holiday within the District of Columbia). Note, however, that if the Certificate of Transmission is available (for documents not proscribed by 37 CFR 1.8(a)(2) ), then the above facsimile may be considered timely filed on Friday if it contains a Certificate of Transmission and is in compliance with 37 CFR 1.8(a)(1)(i)(B) and (ii).
37 CFR 1.6(d) specifies the types of correspondence which may be transmitted by facsimile. These would include CPAs filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d) (available for design applications only), amendments, declarations, petitions, information disclosure statements (IDS), terminal disclaimers, notices of appeal and appeal briefs, requests for continued examination (RCEs) under 37 CFR 1.114, assignment documents, issue fee transmittals and authorizations to charge deposit accounts. The situations where transmissions by facsimile are prohibited are identified in 37 CFR 1.6(d)(2)-(7). Prohibitions cover situations where originals are required as specified in 37 CFR 1.4(f), and situations where accepting a facsimile transmission would be unduly burdensome on the Office. As a courtesy, the Office will attempt to notify senders whenever correspondence is sent to the Office by facsimile transmission that falls within one of the prohibitions. Senders are cautioned against submitting correspondence by facsimile transmission which is not permitted under 37 CFR 1.6(d) since such correspondence will not be accorded a receipt date.
An applicant filing a CPA (available for a design application only) by facsimile transmission must include an authorization to charge the basic filing fee to a deposit account or to a credit card, or the application will be treated under 37 CFR 1.53(f) as having been filed without the basic filing fee (as fees cannot otherwise be transmitted by facsimile).
There is a special receipt procedure for filing a CPA by fax, whereby the Office will fax back a receipt of the CPA filing if applicant submits the Office receipt form along with the CPA filing.
· (f) Facsimile transmission of a patent application under § 1.53(d). In the event that the Office has no evidence of receipt of an application under § 1.53(d) (a continued prosecution application) transmitted to the Office by facsimile transmission, the party who transmitted the application under § 1.53(d) may petition the Director to accord the application under § 1.53(d) a filing date as of the date the application under § 1.53(d) is shown to have been transmitted to and received in the Office,
· (1) Provided that the party who transmitted such application under § 1.53(d):
· (i) Informs the Office of the previous transmission of the application under § 1.53(d) promptly after becoming aware that the Office has no evidence of receipt of the application under § 1.53(d);
· (ii) Supplies an additional copy of the previously transmitted application under § 1.53(d); and
· (iii) Includes a statement which attests on a personal knowledge basis or to the satisfaction of the Director to the previous transmission of the application under § 1.53(d) and is accompanied by a copy of the sending unit’s report confirming transmission of the application under § 1.53(d) or evidence that came into being after the complete transmission and within one business day of the complete transmission of the application under § 1.53(d).
· (2) The Office may require additional evidence to determine if the application under § 1.53(d) was transmitted to and received in the Office on the date in question.
37 CFR 1.6(f) provides for the situation in which the Office has no evidence of receipt of a CPA transmitted to the Office by facsimile transmission. 37 CFR 1.6(f) requires a petition be filed requesting that the CPA be accorded a filing date as of the date the CPA is shown to have been transmitted to and received in the Office. The showing must include, inter alia, a copy of the sending unit’s report confirming transmission of the application or evidence that came into being after the complete transmission of the application and within one business day of the complete transmission of the application.
All patent application related correspondence transmitted by facsimile must be directed to the central facsimile number, with a few exceptions below. The central facsimile number is (571) 273-8300. Replies to Office actions including after-final amendments that are transmitted by facsimile must be directed to the central facsimile number. Correspondence such as draft proposed amendments for interviews may continue to be transmitted by facsimile to the Technology Centers (TCs) and should be made of record as part of the interview summary record. See MPEP § 713.04. Office personnel should not use their personal facsimile numbers for official application related correspondence. Office personnel that inadvertently receive official application related correspondence on a personal facsimile number must either route (do not forward) the correspondence to the official central facsimile number or they may, with applicant’s (or applicant’s representative) permission, make the facsimile amendment part of an examiner’s amendment.
For each Office location listed below, only the particular type of correspondence indicated may be transmitted to the specific facsimile number at that Office location. All other types of facsimile transmitted correspondence must be sent to the central facsimile number ((571) 273-8300).
· (1)International Patent Legal Administration. Responses to Decisions on Petition may be submitted by facsimile to (571) 273-0459.
Note: An international application for patent or a copy of the international application and the basic national fee necessary to enter national stage, as specified in 37 CFR 1.495(b), may not be submitted by facsimile. See 37 CFR 1.6(d)(3) (referencing 37 CFR 1.8(a)(2)(i)(D) and (F) ). Subsequent correspondence may be transmitted by facsimile in an application before the U.S. Receiving Office, the U.S. International Searching Authority, or the U.S. International Preliminary Examining Authority, but it will not receive the benefit of any certificate of transmission (or mailing). See 37 CFR 1.8(a)(2)(i)(E). Correspondence subsequent to filing in an international application before the U.S. Receiving Office, the U.S. International Searching Authority, or the U.S. International Preliminary Examining Authority may be submitted by facsimile to PCT Operations via the USPTO central facsimile number ((571) 273-8300). Correspondence filed during the national stage, subsequent to entry, is handled in the same manner as a U.S. national application.
· -- PCT Help Desk contact information:
· Telephone number: (571) 272-4300.
· Facsimile number: (571) 273-0419.
· (2) Office of Data Management. Payment of an issue fee and any required publication fee by authorization to charge a deposit account or credit card, and drawings may be submitted to facsimile number (571) 273-2885.
Note: Although submission of drawings by facsimile may reduce the quality of the drawings, the Office will generally print the drawings as received.
Office of Data Management telephone numbers to check on receipt of payment: (571) 272-4200 or 1-888-786-0101.
· (3) Electronic Business Center (EBC). Requests for Customer Number Data Change (PTO/SB/124), and Requests for a Customer Number (PTO/SB/125) may be submitted via facsimile to (571) 273-0177.
Note: The EBC may also be reached by email at: EBC telephone number for customer service and assistance: 866-217-9197.
· (4) Assignment Branch. Assignments or other documents affecting title may be submitted via facsimile to (571) 273-0140.
Note: Only documents with an identified patent application or patent number, a single cover sheet to record a single type of transaction, and the fee paid by an authorization to charge a USPTO deposit account or credit card may be submitted via facsimile. Customers may submit documents directly into the automated Patent and Trademark Assignment System and receive the resulting recordation notice at their facsimile machine. (Assignment documents submitted through the Electronic Patent Assignment System also permit the recordation notice to be faxed to customers.) Credit card payments to record assignment documents are acceptable, and use of the Credit Card form (PTO-2038) is required for the credit card information to be separated from the assignment records.
Assignment Branch telephone number for assistance: (571) 272-3350.
· (5) Central Reexamination Unit (CRU). Ex parte and Inter partes reexamination correspondence, except for the initial request: (571) 273-9900 facsimile number.
Note: Correspondence related to reexamination proceedings will be separately scanned in the CRU.
CRU telephone number for customer service and inquiries: (571) 272-7705.
· (6) Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Correspondence related to contested cases and trials permitted to be transmitted by facsimile (only where expressly authorized, see 37 CFR 1.6(d)(7)): (571) 273-0042 facsimile number.
· (7) Office of the General Counsel. Correspondence permitted to be transmitted by facsimile to the Office of the General Counsel: (571) 273-0099 facsimile number.
· (8) Office of the Solicitor. Correspondence permitted to be transmitted by facsimile to the Office of the Solicitor: (571) 273-0373 facsimile number.
· (9) Licensing and Review. Petitions for a foreign filing license pursuant to 37 CFR 5.12(b), including a petition for a foreign filing license where there is no corresponding U.S. application (37 CFR 5.13): (571) 270-9959 (preferred) or (571) 273-0185 facsimile number.
Note: Correspondence to be filed in a patent application subject to a secrecy order under 37 CFR 5.1 to 5.5 and directly related to the secrecy order content of the application may not be transmitted via facsimile. See 37 CFR 1.6(d)(6).
· (10) Office of Petitions. Petitions to withdraw from issue: (571) 273-0025 facsimile number
Note: All other types of petitions must be directed to the central facsimile number (571) 273-8300, with the exception of a request for a retroactive filing license, which should be directed to (571) 270-9959. Petitions sent to the central facsimile number should be marked "Special Processing Submission."
· (11) Office of the Enrollment and Discipline Correspondence permitted to be transmitted to the Office of the Enrollment and Discipline: (571) 273-0074 facsimile number.
· (12) Office of Finance. Refund requests, deposit account inquiries, and maintenance fee payments: (571) 273-6500 facsimile number. Office of Finance telephone number for customer service and inquiries: (571) 272-6500.
· (13) Public Records Division. Requests for certified copies of Office records may be transmitted to: (571) 273-3250 facsimile number. The Pubic Records Division's Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch telephone number for customer service and inquiries: (571) 272-3150.
As set forth in 37 CFR 1.6(d), facsimile transmissions are not permitted and, if submitted, will not be accorded a date of receipt in the following situations:
· (A) A document that is required by statute to be certified (see 37 CFR 1.4(f) );
· (B) A national patent application specification and drawing (provisional or nonprovisional) or other correspondence for the purpose of obtaining an application filing date, other than a continued prosecution application filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d);
· (C) An international application for patent;
· (D) An international design application;
· (E) A copy of the international application and the basic national fee necessary to enter the national stage, as specified in 37 CFR 1.495(b);
· (F) A third-party submission under 37 CFR 1.290;
· (G) Correspondence relating to registration to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office in patent cases, enrollment and disciplinary investigations, or disciplinary proceedings;
· (H) Color drawings submitted under 37 CFR 1.81, 1.83 -1.85, 1.152, 1.165, 1.173, 1.437 , or 1.1026;
· (I) A request for reexamination under 37 CFR 1.510 or 37 CFR 1.913;
· (J) A request for supplemental examination under 37 CFR 1.610;
· (K) Correspondence to be filed in a patent application subject to a secrecy order under 37 CFR 5.1 - 5.5 and directly related to the secrecy order content of the application; and
· (L) Correspondence to be filed in a contested case or trial before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, except as the Board may expressly authorize.
Applicants are reminded that the facsimile process may reduce the quality of the drawings, and the Office will generally print the drawings as received.
See MPEP § 1834.01 for a discussion concerning facsimile transmissions in PCT applications.
· (d)
· (1) Handwritten signature. Each piece of correspondence, except as provided in paragraphs (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), (e) and (f) of this section, filed in an application, patent file, or other proceeding in the Office which requires a person’s signature, must:
· (i) Be an original, that is, have an original handwritten signature personally signed, in permanent dark ink or its equivalent, by that person; or
· (ii) Be a direct or indirect copy, such as a photocopy or facsimile transmission (§ 1.6(d) ), of an original. In the event that a copy of the original is filed, the original should be retained as evidence of authenticity. If a question of authenticity arises, the Office may require submission of the original.
· (2) S-signature. An S-signature is a signature inserted between forward slash marks, but not a handwritten signature as defined by paragraph (d)(1) of this section. An S-signature includes any signature made by electronic or mechanical means, and any other mode of making or applying a signature other than a handwritten signature as provided for in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Correspondence being filed in the Office in paper, by facsimile transmission as provided in § 1.6(d), or via the Office electronic filing system as an attachment as provided in § 1.6(a)(4), for a patent application, patent, or a reexamination or supplemental examination proceeding may be S-signature signed instead of being personally signed (i.e., with a handwritten signature) as provided for in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The requirements for an S-signature under this paragraph (d)(2) of this section are as follows.
· (i) The S-signature must consist only of letters, or Arabic numerals, or both, with appropriate spaces and commas, periods, apostrophes, or hyphens for punctuation, and the person signing the correspondence must insert his or her own S-signature with a first single forward slash mark before, and a second single forward slash mark after, the S-signature (e.g., /Dr. James T. Jones, Jr./); and
· (ii) A patent practitioner (§ 1.32(a)(1) ), signing pursuant to §§ 1.33(b)(1) or 1.33(b)(2), must supply his/her registration number either as part of the S-signature, or immediately below or adjacent to the S-signature. The number (#) character may be used only as part of the S-signature when appearing before a practitioner’s registration number; otherwise the number character may not be used in an S-signature.
· (iii) The signer’s name must be:
· (A) Presented in printed or typed form preferably immediately below or adjacent the S-signature, and
· (B) Reasonably specific enough so that the identity of the signer can be readily recognized.
· (3) Electronically submitted correspondence. Correspondence permitted via the Office electronic filing system may be signed by a graphic representation of a handwritten signature as provided for in paragraph (d)(1) of this section or a graphic representation of an S-signature as provided for in paragraph (d)(2) of this section when it is submitted via the Office electronic filing system.
· (4) Certifications—
· (i) Certification as to the paper presented. The presentation to the Office (whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating) of any paper by a party, whether a practitioner or non-practitioner, constitutes a certification under § 11.18(b) of this subchapter. Violations of § 11.18(b)(2) of this subchapter by a party, whether a practitioner or non-practitioner, may result in the imposition of sanctions under § 11.18(c) of this subchapter. Any practitioner violating § 11.18(b) of this subchapter may also be subject to disciplinary action. See § 11.18(d) of this subchapter.
· (ii) Certification as to the signature. The person inserting a signature under paragraph (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this section in a document submitted to the Office certifies that the inserted signature appearing in the document is his or her own signature. A person submitting a document signed by another under paragraph (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this section is obligated to have a reasonable basis to believe that the person whose signature is present on the document was actually inserted by that person, and should retain evidence of authenticity of the signature. Violations of the certification as to the signature of another or a person’s own signature as set forth in this paragraph may result in the imposition of sanctions under § 11.18(c) and (d) of this chapter.
· (5) Forms. The Office provides forms to the public to use in certain situations to assist in the filing of correspondence for a certain purpose and to meet certain requirements for patent applications and proceedings. Use of the forms for purposes for which they were not designed is prohibited. No changes to certification statements on the Office forms (e.g., oath or declaration forms, terminal disclaimer forms, petition forms, and nonpublication request forms) may be made. The existing text of a form, other than a certification statement, may be modified, deleted, or added to, if all text identifying the form as an Office form is removed. The presentation to the Office (whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating) of any Office form with text identifying the form as an Office form by a party, whether a practitioner or non-practitioner, constitutes a certification under § 11.18(b) of this chapter that the existing text and any certification statements on the form have not been altered other than permitted by EFS-Web customization.
· (e) [Reserved]
· (f) When a document that is required by statute to be certified must be filed, a copy, including a photocopy or facsimile transmission, of the certification is not acceptable.
· (h) Ratification/confirmation/evidence of authenticity: The Office may require ratification, confirmation (which includes submission of a duplicate document but with a proper signature), or evidence of authenticity of a signature, such as when the Office has reasonable doubt as to the authenticity (veracity) of the signature, e.g., where there are variations of a signature, or where the signature and the typed or printed name, do not clearly identify the person signing.
Correspondence filed in the Office, which requires a person’s signature, may be filed with one of two types of signatures: (A) handwritten signature; and (B) "S-signature." See 37 CFR 1.4(d). Additionally, pursuant to 37 CFR 1.4(d)(3), correspondence filed via the USPTO patent electronic filing system may be signed by a graphic representation of a handwritten signature as provided for in 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) or a graphic representation of an S-signature as provided for in 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2). A graphic representation of a handwritten signature may be created by using a stylus pen and/or touch-pad. All correspondence, except for a notice of appeal pursuant to 37 CFR 41.31, filed in the Office must include a signature. See 37 CFR 1.4, 1.33, and 11.18.
A person’s handwritten signature may be an original or a copy thereof. The word original, as used herein, is defined as correspondence which is personally signed in permanent dark ink or its equivalent by the person whose signature appears thereon. Dark ink or equivalent permits traditional ink and newer non-liquid gel type ink technologies. Since incoming correspondence is electronically stored and scanned as a black and white image, a dark color is required so that the scanned image is legible. Where copies of correspondence are acceptable, photocopies or facsimile transmissions may be filed. For example, a photocopy or facsimile transmission of an original of an amendment, declaration (e.g., under 37 CFR 1.63 or 1.67 ), petition, issue fee transmittal form, and authorization to charge a deposit account or a credit card may be submitted in a patent application. Where copies are permitted, second and further generation copies (i.e., copy of a copy) are acceptable. For example, a client may fax a paper to an attorney and the attorney may then fax the paper to the Office, provided the paper is eligible to be faxed (see MPEP § 502.01). The original, if not submitted to the Office, should be retained as evidence of proper execution in the event that questions arise as to the authenticity of the signature reproduced on the photocopy or facsimile-transmitted correspondence. If a question of authenticity arises, the Office may require submission of the original.
37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) covers all handwritten signatures. The requirement in 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) of permanent dark ink or its equivalent relates to whether a handwritten signature is compliant and is not limiting on the type of handwritten signature that is covered by 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1). Thus, 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) would cover handwritten signatures in red ink or in pencil; although, under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) neither would be acceptable since red ink is not dark, and pencil is not permanent. A scanned image of a document that contains a handwritten signature filed via the USPTO patent electronic filing system is permitted as a copy under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1)(ii). A signature applied by an electric or mechanical typewriter directly to paper is not a handwritten signature, which is applied by hand. Accordingly, if a typewriter applied signature is used, it must meet the requirements of 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2). Adding forward slashes to a handwritten (or hand-printed) ink signature that is personally applied will not cause the signature to be treated under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2). Such a signature will be treated under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) with the slashes ignored. The end product from a manually applied hand stamp or from a signature replication or transfer means (such as by pen or by screen) appears to be a handwritten signature, but is not actually handwritten, and would be treated under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2). An electronic reproduction of a handwritten signature, e.g., scanned, that is electronically applied to a document is not a personally signed original document under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1)(i) and reproductions of such correspondence cannot be copies under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1)(ii). A graphic representation of a handwritten signature as provided for in 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1) will be accepted when submitted via the USPTO patent electronic filing system, pursuant to 37 CFR 1.4(d)(3).
The second type of signature is an S-signature. See 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2). An S-signature is a signature inserted between forward slash marks, but not a handwritten signature as defined by 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1). An S-signature includes any signature made by electronic or mechanical means, and any other mode of making or applying a signature not covered by either a handwritten signature of 37 CFR 1.4(d)(1). The S-signature can be used with correspondence e.g., oaths and affidavits filed in the Office in paper, by facsimile transmission as provided in 37 CFR 1.6(d), or via the USPTO patent electronic filing system as an attachment as provided in 37 CFR 1.6(a)(4), for a patent application, a patent, or a reexamination or supplemental examination proceeding. 37 CFR 1.4(d) does not authorize filing correspondence by email. A legible electronic image of a handwritten signature inserted, or copied and pasted by the person signing the correspondence into the correspondence may be considered to be an acceptable signature under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2) provided the signature is surrounded by a first single forward slash mark before the electronic image and a second single forward slash mark after the electronic image and includes the signers name below or adjacent to the signature as required.
An S-signature must consist only of letters, or Arabic numerals, or both, with appropriate spaces and punctuation (i.e., commas, periods, apostrophes, or hyphens). "Letters" include English and non- English alphabet letters, and text characters (e.g., Kanji). Non-text, graphic characters (e.g., a smiley face created in the True Type Wing Dings font) are not permitted. "Arabic numerals" are the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, which are the standard numerals used in the United States. To accommodate as many varieties of names as possible, a signer may select any combination of letters, Arabic numerals, or both, for their S-signature under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)(i). The person signing the correspondence must insert their own S-signature with a first single forward slash mark before, and a second single forward slash mark after, the S-signature (e.g., /Dr. James T. Jones, Jr./). Additional forward slashes are not permitted as part of the S-signature. The presentation of just letters and Arabic numerals as an S-signature without the S-signature being placed between two forward slashes will be treated as an unsigned document.
Commas, periods, apostrophes, and hyphens are often found in names and will therefore be found in many S-signatures. These punctuation marks and appropriate spaces may be used with letters and Arabic numerals in an S-signature. A sample S-signature including punctuation marks and spaces, between two forward slashes, is: /John P. Doe/. Punctuation marks, per se, are not punctuation and are not permitted without proper association with letters and Arabic numerals. An S-signature of only punctuation marks would be improper (e.g., /- - -/). In addition, punctuation marks, such as question marks (e.g., /???/), are often utilized to represent an intent not to sign a document and may be interpreted to be a non-bona fide attempt at a signature, in addition to being improper.
Script fonts are not permitted for any portion of a document except the S-signature. See 37 CFR 1.52(b)(2)(ii). Presentation of a typed name in a script font without the typed name being placed between the required slashes does not present the proper indicia manifesting an intent to sign and will be treated as an unsigned document.
37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)(i) also defines who can insert an S-signature into a document. 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)(i) requires that a person, which includes a practitioner, must insert their own signature using letters and/or Arabic numerals, with appropriate commas, periods, apostrophes, or hyphens as punctuation and spaces. The "must insert his or her own signature" requirement is met by the signer directly typing their own signature using a keyboard. The requirement does not permit one person (e.g., a secretary) to type in the signature of a second person (e.g., a practitioner) even if the second person directs the first person to do so. A person physically unable to use a keyboard, however, may, while simultaneously reviewing the document for signature, direct another person to press the appropriate keys to form the S-signature.
A signature which is created using a commercial signing system may be acceptable under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2) if the signature is inserted between forward slash marks or under 37 CFR 1.4(d)(3) if the signature is a graphic representation of either a handwritten signature or an S-signature and submitted via the USPTO patent electronic filing system. 37 CFR 1.4(d)(3) does not apply to documents submitted in paper.
For consistency purposes, and to avoid raising a doubt as to who has signed, the same S-signature should be utilized each time, with variations of the signature being avoided. The signer should review any indicia of identity of the signer in the body of the document, including any printed or typed name and registration number, to ensure that the indicia of identity in the body of the document is consistent with how the document is S-signed. Knowingly adopting an S-signature of another is not permitted.
While an S-signature need not be the name of the signer of the document, the Office strongly suggests that each signer use an S-signature that has their full name. The Office expects that where persons do not sign with their name it will be because they are using an S-signature that is the usual S-signature for that person, which is their own signature, and not something that is employed to obfuscate or misidentify the signer. Titles may be used with the signer’s S-signature and must be placed between the slash marks (e.g., /Dr. John Doe/), or with the printed or typed version of the name.
37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)(ii) requires that a practitioner (37 CFR 1.32(a)(1) ) signing pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(b)(1) or (b)(2) must place his or her registration number, either as part of, or adjacent, his or her S-signature. A number character (#) may only be used in an S-signature if it is prior to a practitioner’s registration number that is part of the S-signature. For an application filed on or after September 16, 2012, when a practitioner is signing as an applicant as defined in 37 CFR 1.42 (e.g., as an inventor), a registration number is not required and should not be supplied to avoid confusion as to which basis the practitioner is signing, e.g., as a practitioner or as the applicant. A patent practitioner signing on behalf of a juristic entity applicant (see 37 CFR 1.33(b)(3) ) is signing as a patent practitioner and thus must provide his or her registration number. For applications filed before September 16, 2012, when a practitioner is signing as an applicant as defined in pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.41 or as an assignee a registration number is not required and should not be supplied for the reasons noted above.
The signer’s name must be (A) presented in printed or typed form preferably immediately below or adjacent the S-signature, and (B) reasonably specific enough so that the identity of the signer can be readily recognized. See 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)(iii)(A). The printed or typed name requirement is intended to describe any manner of applying the signer’s name to the document, including by a typewriter or machine printer. It could include a printer (mechanical, electrical, optical, etc.) associated with a computer or a facsimile machine but would not include manual or hand printing. See 37 CFR 1.52(a)(1)(iv). The printed or typed name may be inserted before or after the S-signature is applied, and it does not have to be inserted by the S-signer. A printed or typed name appearing in the letterhead or body of a document is not acceptable as the presentation of the name of the S-signer. A graphic representation of an S-signature as provided for in 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2) with be accepted when submitted via the USPTO patent electronic filing system, pursuant to 37 CFR 1.4(d)(3).
37 CFR 1.4(d)(4)(i) establishes that the presentation to the Office (whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating) of any paper by a party, whether a practitioner or non- practitioner, constitutes a certification under 37 CFR 11.18(b) of this chapter.
37 CFR 1.4(d)(4)(ii) establishes certifications as to the signature of another for a person submitting a document signed