
Requirements sent with an Office action on the merits, and not as a separate Office action, will be given the same period for reply as the action on the merits.

A requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105  is an Office action under 35 U.S.C. 132  for patent term adjustment purposes. See MPEP § 2730 for information pertaining to patent term adjustment.

704.14    Making a Requirement for Information [R-08.2012]

A requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105  should be narrowly specified and limited in scope. It is a significant burden on both the applicant and the Office since the applicant must collect and submit the required information and the examiner must consider all the information that is submitted. A requirement for information is only warranted where the benefit from the information exceeds the burden in obtaining information.

704.14(a)    Format of the Requirement [R-07.2022]

The requirement must clearly indicate that a requirement under 37 CFR 1.105  is being made, the basis for the requirement, and what information is being required. Requirements should specify the particular art area involved, and the particular claimed subject matter within such art area, in which the information is required in order to avoid overly burdening the applicant and to avoid inviting large volumes of information that are not relevant to the need for the information. The requirement should also clearly indicate the form the required information is expected to take. That is, whether the requirement is for citations and copies of individual art references, for the identification of whole collections of art, for answers to questions, or for another specified form.

A requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105  is generally prepared as a separate document that may be attached to an Office action on the merits or mailed as a stand alone action. The rule permits a requirement to be included within an Office action, but creating a separate document is preferable because the existence of the requirement is immediately brought to the attention of the recipient and it is more readily routed by the applicant to the parties best able to respond.

The requirement should state why the requirement has been made and how the information is necessary to the examination.

Interrogatories may be used to ask specific questions seeking applicant’s factual knowledge. Such a requirement for information may include an inquiry as to the existence of a particular document or other piece of information and a requirement that such information be supplied if it is known to exist and is readily available. A stipulation may be used as to facts with which applicant may agree or disagree in order to clarify the record about uncontroverted matters.


The following form paragraphs should be used when preparing a requirement for information:

¶ 7.104.02    Requirement for Information, Rescission of Statement Under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.78

Applicant submitted a rescission of the prior-filed 1.55 /1.78  statement which indicated that the application contains, or contained at any time, a claim to a claimed invention that has an effective filing date on or after March 16, 2013. In order for the examiner to properly consider patentability of the claimed invention, additional information regarding this issue is required as follows: [1]

Applicant is reminded that failure to fully reply to this requirement for information will result in a holding of abandonment.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. This form paragraph should only be used in an application filed on or after March 16, 2013, where the applicant rescinded a statement pursuant to 37 CFR 1.55  or 1.78  and clarification on the reasoning why pre-AIA law applies is needed.

3. Information sought should be restricted to that which is reasonably necessary for the examiner to render a decision on patentability.

4. In bracket 1, insert the information that is sought from the applicant.

5. A two month time period should be set by the examiner for reply to the requirement unless it is part of an Office action having a shortened statutory period (SSP), in which case the period for reply will apply also to the requirement.

¶ 7.105    Requirement for Information, Heading

Applicant and the assignee of this application are required under 37 CFR 1.105  to provide the following information that the examiner has determined is reasonably necessary to the examination of this application.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph should appear at the beginning of any requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105, and should be followed by an explanation of why the required information is necessary for examination. Form paragraph 7.104.aia7.104.fti7.104.02 or 7.106 – 7.121 may be used as appropriate.

2. The requirement for information should conclude with form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

The following form paragraphs should be used as appropriate where the information required pertains to stipulations of facts or interrogatories of facts known to the applicant:

¶ 7.105.01    Stipulations of Facts Known to Applicant

In response to this requirement, please agree or disagree to the stipulation of each of the following assertions of facts:


Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 –7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 1, specify each factual assertion, in the form of a separate, numbered sentence, that the applicant is to either agree or disagree to so stipulate. It is suggested that at the end of each assertion, the parenthetical phrase "(agree/disagree)" be appended to facilitate a reply by way of applicant marking up a copy of the requested stipulations.

¶ 7.105.02    Interrogatories of Facts Known to Applicant

In response to this requirement, please provide answers to each of the following interrogatories eliciting factual information:


Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 –7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 1, specify each interrogatory question, in the form of a separate, numbered sentence, that the applicant is to answer. The scope of each query must be clearly set forth and the content of the expected reply is to be characterized as factual information.

The following form paragraphs should be used as appropriate where the information required pertains to a search for prior art, or to citations and/or copies of publications:

¶ 7.106    Domain of Search

The information is required to extend the domain of search for prior art. Limited amounts of art related to the claimed subject matter are available within the Office, and are generally found in class [1] and subclasses [2], which describe [3]. A broader range of art to search is necessary to establish the level of knowledge of those of ordinary skill in the claimed subject matter art of [4].

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 4, insert a description of the art claimed but not found in the classification system.

¶ 7.107    Level of Skill and Knowledge in the Art

The information is required to document the level of skill and knowledge in the art of [1].

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.108    Background Description

The information is required to complete the background description in the disclosure by documenting [1].

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.109    Products and Services Embodying Invention

The information is required to identify products and services embodying the disclosed subject matter of [1] and identify the properties of similar products and services found in the prior art.

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.110    Art Suggested as Relevant

The information is required to enter in the record the art suggested by the applicant as relevant to this examination in [1].

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 1, describe where in the application file applicant suggests that the art is relevant, e.g., the specification and the relevant page thereof, or a paper received in the Office on a specified date and the relevant page thereof.

¶ 7.111    List of Keywords

In response to this requirement, please provide a list of keywords that are particularly helpful in locating publications related to the disclosed art of [1].

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.112    Citations for Electronically Searchable Databases or Other Indexed Collections

In response to this requirement, please provide a list of citations to electronically searchable databases or other indexed collections containing publications that document the knowledge within the disclosed art of [1].

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.113    Copy of Art Referred to in the Disclosure, But Not Submitted

In response to this requirement, please provide a copy of each of the following items of art referred to in the [1].

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 1, describe where in the application file applicant refers to art that has not been previously submitted, e.g., the specification and the relevant page thereof, or a paper received in the Office on a specified date and the relevant page thereof.

¶ 7.114    Copies of Publications Authored by Inventor(s)

In response to this requirement, please provide copies of each publication which any of the inventors authored or co-authored and which describe the disclosed subject matter of [1].

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.115    Art Relied Upon for Description of Prior Art

In response to this requirement, please provide the title, citation and copy of each publication that is a source used for the description of the prior art in the disclosure. For each publication, please provide a concise explanation of that publication’s contribution to the description of the prior art.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. This requirement is limited in that only those documents actually relied on, rather than documents believed to be relevant, are required.

¶ 7.116    Art Relied Upon for Development of Invention

In response to this requirement, please provide the title, citation and copy of each publication that any of the inventors relied upon to develop the disclosed subject matter that describes the invention, particularly as to developing [1]. For each publication, please provide a concise explanation of the reliance placed on that publication in the development of the disclosed subject matter.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. This requirement is limited in that only those documents actually relied on, rather than documents believed to be relevant, are required.

3. In bracket 1, insert a description of the most important inventive elements.

¶ 7.117    Art Relied Upon for Drafting Claimed Subject Matter

In response to this requirement, please provide the title, citation and copy of each publication that was relied upon to draft the claimed subject matter. For each publication, please provide a concise explanation of the reliance placed on that publication in distinguishing the claimed subject matter from the prior art.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. This requirement is limited in that only those documents actually relied on, rather than documents believed to be relevant, are required.

¶ 7.118    Results of Prior Art Search

In response to this requirement, please state whether any search of prior art was performed. If a search was performed, please state the citation for each prior art collection searched. If any art retrieved from the search was considered material to demonstrating the knowledge of a person having ordinary skill in the art to the disclosed [1], please provide the citation for each piece of art considered and a copy of the art.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 1, describe the subject matter for which art is required.

¶ 7.119    Names of Products or Services Incorporating Claimed Invention

In response to this requirement, please provide the names of any products or services that have incorporated the claimed subject matter.

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

¶ 7.120    Names of Products or Services Incorporating Disclosed Prior Art

In response to this requirement, please provide the names of any products or services that have incorporated the disclosed prior art [1].

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. In bracket 1, specify the attributes of the prior art that most closely approximate the claimed subject matter to narrow the focus of the reply.

¶ 7.121    Details of Improvement Over the Prior Art

In response to this requirement, please state the specific improvements of the subject matter in claims [1] over the disclosed prior art and indicate the specific elements in the claimed subject matter that provide those improvements. For those claims expressed as means or steps plus function, please provide the specific page and line numbers within the disclosure which describe the claimed structure and acts.

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

The following form paragraphs should appear at the end of the requirement for information, as appropriate:

¶ 7.122    Submission of Only Pertinent Pages Where Document is Large

In responding to those requirements that require copies of documents, where the document is a bound text or a single article over 50 pages, the requirement may be met by providing copies of those pages that provide the particular subject matter indicated in the requirement, or where such subject matter is not indicated, the subject matter found in applicant’s disclosure.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraphs 7.122 – 7.126 as appropriate.

2. Use this form paragraph where the scope of the requirement for information specifically includes copies of publications.

¶ 7.123    Waiver of Fee and Statement Requirements for Certain Information Disclosures

The fee and certification requirements of 37 CFR 1.97  are waived for those documents submitted in reply to this requirement. This waiver extends only to those documents within the scope of the requirement under 37 CFR 1.105  that are included in the applicant’s first complete communication responding to this requirement. Any supplemental replies subsequent to the first communication responding to this requirement and any information disclosures beyond the scope of this requirement under 37 CFR 1.105  are subject to the fee and certification requirements of 37 CFR 1.97  where appropriate.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraph 7.124 and either form paragraph 7.125 or 7.126 as appropriate.

2. Use this form paragraph where the scope of the requirement for information specifically includes citations to and/or copies of publications.

¶ 7.124    Contents of Good Faith Reply

The applicant is reminded that the reply to this requirement must be made with candor and good faith under 37 CFR 1.56. Where the applicant does not have or cannot readily obtain an item of required information, a statement that the item is unknown or cannot be readily obtained may be accepted as a complete reply to the requirement for that item.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should be followed by form paragraph 7.125 or 7.126 as appropriate.

2. This form paragraph should appear in the conclusion of any requirement for information.

¶ 7.125    Conclusion of Requirement That Accompanies Office Action

This requirement is an attachment of the enclosed Office action. A complete reply to the enclosed Office action must include a complete reply to this requirement. The time period for reply to this requirement coincides with the time period for reply to the enclosed Office action.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should appear at the conclusion of any requirement for information that accompanies an Office action. If the requirement for information is mailed without any other Office action, use form paragraph 7.126 instead.

2. Form paragraph 7.127 should appear at the end of any Office action that includes an attached requirement for information.

¶ 7.126    Conclusion Of Requirement Mailed Without Any Other Office Action

This requirement is subject to the provisions of 37 CFR 1.1341.135  and 1.136  and has a shortened statutory period of [1] months. EXTENSIONS OF THIS TIME PERIOD MAY BE GRANTED UNDER 37 CFR 1.136(a)  but in no case can any extension carry the date for reply to this letter beyond the maximum period of SIX MONTHS set by statute (35 U.S.C. 133 ).

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph must be preceded by form paragraph 7.105, and should appear at the conclusion of any requirement for information mailed without any other Office action. If the requirement for information is mailed with an Office action, use form paragraph 7.125 instead.

2. The period for reply is ordinarily set for TWO (2) MONTHS.

¶ 7.127    Conclusion of Office Action That Includes Requirement

This Office action has an attached requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105. A complete reply to this Office action must include a complete reply to the attached requirement for information. The time period for reply to the attached requirement coincides with the time period for reply to this Office action.

Examiner Note:

This form paragraph should appear at the end of any Office action that includes an attached requirement for information.

704.14(b)    Examiner’s Obligation Following Applicant’s Reply [R-08.2017]

The examiner must consider the information submitted with the applicant’s reply and apply the information as the examiner deems appropriate. This obligation arises from the examiner’s assertion that the information is necessary to the examination in making the requirement.

Information constituting identification of areas of search must be considered and the examiner must indicate which areas were used and which areas were not used in performing a search.

The examiner must record in the appropriate sections of the "Search Notes" form the areas in which the search for prior art was made. See MPEP § 719.05. Information constituting answers to queries posed by the examiner or another Office employee must be considered, and the record must indicate that the answers were considered. This indication may be made minimally by indicating "Considered" with the Stamper tool in Adobe Acrobat and including the receipt date on the reply.

Art that is submitted in response to a 37 CFR 1.105  requirement must be considered, at least to the extent that art submitted with an Information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98  is considered. See MPEP § 609. If the applicant provides a written list of citations for the art submitted with a reply to a 37 CFR 1.105  requirement, an examiner must indicate on that list which art has been considered and which art has not been considered, in the same manner as with an Information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98. The examiner may annotate the list by using Adobe Acrobat to stamp the document with "All References Considered" while also providing the receipt date, application number and art unit. If the applicant provides no such list, there is no requirement for the examiner to prepare such a list or otherwise make the submitted art of record unless the examiner relies on such art in a rejection.

It is never appropriate to deny considering information that is submitted in reply to, and is within the scope of, a requirement under 37 CFR 1.105. However, information that is beyond the scope of a 37 CFR 1.105  requirement, submitted along with information responding to a requirement under 37 CFR 1.105, need not be considered unless the submission of such art conforms to the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98, and MPEP § 609. The criteria for measuring the scope of a 37 CFR 1.105  requirement is the plain meaning of the text of the requirement. For this reason, it is essential that the scope of information required be carefully specified. If art which is beyond the scope of a 37 CFR 1.105  requirement is submitted in accordance with the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98, and MPEP § 609, such art must be considered according to the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97  and 37 CFR 1.98.

704.14(c)    Petitions to Requirements Under 37 CFR 1.105 [R-08.2012]

Applicants who seek to have a requirement under 37 CFR 1.105  withdrawn or modified, or who seek to have information submitted under 37 CFR 1.105  considered, may submit a petition under 37 CFR 1.181  to the Director of the Technology Center in which the requirement was issued. However, a petition is not a reply to a 37 CFR 1.105  requirement. The time period for the applicant to reply to the 37 CFR 1.105  requirement continues to run, even where a petition has been submitted.

704.14(d)    Relationship to Information Disclosure Statements [R-08.2012]

The initial reply, if responsive to the requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105  and submitted within the original time period for reply including any extensions of time, does not have to satisfy the fee and/or certification requirements of 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98. Applicant should list the references on a copy of Form PTO/SB/08 to have the citations entered in the record. Any replies made subsequent to the initial reply must meet the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98  as appropriate.

Any submission of art beyond the scope of a requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105  is a submission of art under 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98  and MPEP § 609, and must meet the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98  for the art to be considered.

Where information is submitted in a reply to a requirement under 37 CFR 1.105, the examiner may NOT make the next Office action relying on that art final unless all instances of the application of such art are necessitated by amendment. This section explicitly distinguishes the practice following a reply under 37 CFR 1.105  from the practice in MPEP § 609.04(b) and MPEP § 706.07(a) following a submission of an Information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97  and 1.98.

705    Patentability Reports [R-08.2012]

Where an application, properly assigned to one Technology Center (TC), is found to contain one or more claims, per se, classifiable in one or more other TCs, which claims are not divisible inter se or from the claims which govern classification of the application in the first TC, the application may be referred to the other TC(s) concerned for a report as to the patentability of certain designated claims. This report is known as a Patentability Report (P.R.) and is signed by the primary examiner in the reporting TC.

Note that the Patentability Report practice is only to be used in extraordinary circumstances. See MPEP § 705.01(e).

705.01    Instructions re Patentability Reports [R-07.2015]

When an application comes up for any action and the primary examiners involved (i.e., from both the requesting and the requested Technology Center (TC)) agree that a Patentability Report from the requested TC is necessary for some of the claims, and if the TC Director of the requesting TC approves, the application is forwarded to the requested TC with a request for the Patentability Report.

705.01(a)    Nature of P.R., Its Use and Disposal [R-08.2017]

The primary examiner in the Technology Center (TC) from which the Patentability Report is requested, if he or she approves the request, will direct the preparation of the Patentability Report. This Patentability Report is in memorandum form and will include the citation of all pertinent references and a complete action on all claims involved. The field of search covered must be recorded in the appropriate section of the "Search Notes" form. See MPEP § 719.05. When an examiner to whom an application has been forwarded for a Patentability Report is of the opinion that final action is in order as to the referred claims, he or she should so state. The Patentability Report when signed by the primary examiner in the reporting TC will be returned to the TC to which the application is regularly assigned and placed in the file wrapper.

The examiner preparing the Patentability Report will be entitled to receive an explanation of the disclosure from the examiner to whom the case is assigned to avoid duplication of work.

If the primary examiner in a reporting TC is of the opinion that a Patentability Report is not in order, he or she should so advise the primary examiner in the forwarding TC.


Conflict of opinion as to classification may be referred to a classification dispute TC representative panel for decision.

If the primary examiner in the TC having jurisdiction of the application agrees with the Patentability Report, he or she should incorporate the substance thereof in his or her action, which action will be complete as to all claims.


If the primary examiner does not agree with the Patentability Report or any portion thereof, he or she may consult with the primary examiner responsible for the report. If agreement as to the resulting action cannot be reached, the primary examiner having jurisdiction of the application need not rely on the Patentability Report but may make his or her own action on the referred claims, in which case the Patentability Report should be removed from the file.


When an appeal is taken from the rejection of claims, all of which are examinable in the TC preparing a Patentability Report, the application should be transferred to said TC for the purpose of appeal. The receiving TC will take jurisdiction of the application and prepare the examiner’s answer. If allowed, the application may be sent to issue by said TC with its classification determined by the controlling claims remaining in the application.

705.01(b)    Sequence of Examination [R-08.2012]

In the event that the supervisory patent examiners concerned in a P.R. case cannot agree as to the order of examination by their Technology Centers (TCs), the supervisory patent examiner having jurisdiction of the application will direct that a complete search be made of the art relevant to his or her claims prior to referring the application to another TC for report. The TC to which the application is referred will be advised of the results of this search.

If the supervisory patent examiners are of the opinion that a different sequence of search is expedient, the order of search should be correspondingly modified.

705.01(c)    Counting and Recording P.R.s [R-08.2012]

The forwarding of the application for a Patentability Report is not to be treated as a transfer by the forwarding Technology Center (TC). When the P.R. is completed and the application is ready for return to the forwarding TC, it is not counted either as a receipt or action by transfer. Credit, however, is given for the time spent.