If the e-IDS complies with the requirements of 37 CFR 1.97, examiners must consider the e-IDS and complete the e-IDS form by initialing, signing, and dating the e-IDS form entries. See MPEP § 609.05(b). Examiners may notice numbering gaps in the "Citation No." column on the printed e-IDS form due to an applicant data entry error. This data entry error will not affect the e-IDS and is not a sufficient reason not to consider the e-IDS. A copy of the initialed e-IDS form must be sent to the applicant. The completed copy of the e-IDS form sent to an applicant should be made of record in the official file when the copy is sent to the applicant.
An electronic list of all U.S. patents and U.S. patent application publications on an e-IDS form is available and accessible from the examiner’s workstation by clicking on the e-IDS icon, on the workstation desktop. Consideration of the e-IDS may not be deferred and an examiner should not require an applicant to submit paper copies of e-IDS references. It is most important that the U.S. patent and U.S. patent application publication numbers listed on the e-IDS be accurate and devoid of transcription error since no copies of the documents listed on the e-IDS are provided in the file wrapper for the examiner to review. Instead the examiner will electronically retrieve the U.S. patents and U.S. patent application publications identified by the cited document numbers. The only mechanism for having the correct document reviewed and considered when an erroneous U.S. patent or U.S. patent application publication is cited in an e-IDS will be by citing the correct citation number in a subsequent IDS that conforms to the requirements of 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98.
Examiners can copy and paste U.S. patent and U.S. patent application publication numbers from the e-IDS to EAST and/or WEST for searching. Examiners should copy and paste U.S. patent and U.S. patent application publication numbers from the e-IDS to EAST and/or WEST to review the references that are listed in the e-IDS.
Applicants and registered practitioners are permitted to sign portions of an EFS-Web submission, including an IDS, with an electronic signature. See 37 CFR 1.4(d)(3).
If the e-IDS transmittal letter and list of references is missing from an application file, an examiner may request that the technical support staff obtain an additional printed copy of the letter and reference list from the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP).
The USPTO electronically processes the list of citations (e.g., form PTO/SB/08) submitted as part of an information disclosure statement (IDS) submitted in applications stored by the Office in image form. Examiners are provided with a tool to electronically annotate citations and electronically sign the IDS when reviewing the cited references. See MPEP § 609.04(b) for determining whether a cited reference has been considered by the examiner. The electronically processed IDS will be stored in the Office’s official record as an entry in the application’s image file wrapper (IFW) and a copy will be provided to applicant as part of an Office action