If no corresponding national, international design, or international application has been filed in the United States, the petition for license under § 5.12(b) must also be accompanied by a legible copy of the material upon which a license is desired. This copy will be retained as a measure of the license granted.
· (a) When there is a corresponding United States application on file, a petition for license under § 5.12(b) must also identify this application by application number, filing date, inventor, and title, but a copy of the material upon which the license is desired is not required. The subject matter licensed will be measured by the disclosure of the United States application.
· (b) Two or more United States applications should not be referred to in the same petition for license unless they are to be combined in the foreign or international application, in which event the petition should so state and the identification of each United States application should be in separate paragraphs.
· (c) Where the application to be filed or exported abroad contains matter not disclosed in the United States application or applications, including the case where the combining of two or more United States applications introduces subject matter not disclosed in any of them, a copy of the application as it is to be filed or exported abroad, must be furnished with the petition. If, however, all new matter in the application to be filed or exported is readily identifiable, the new matter may be submitted in detail and the remainder by reference to the pertinent United States application or applications.
· (a) Applications or other materials reviewed pursuant to §§ 5.12 through 5.14, which were not required to be made available for inspection by defense agencies under 35 U.S.C. 181, will be eligible for a license of the scope provided in this paragraph (a). This license permits subsequent modifications, amendments, and supplements containing additional subject matter to, or divisions of, a foreign application, if such changes to the application do not alter the general nature of the invention in a manner which would require the United States application to have been made available for inspection under 35 U.S.C. 181. Grant of this license authorizes the export of technical data pursuant to § 5.11(b) and the filing of an application in a foreign country or with any foreign or international intellectual property authority when the technical data and the subject matter of the foreign application correspond to that of the application or other materials reviewed pursuant to §§ 5.12 through 5.14, upon which the license was granted. This license includes the authority:
· (1) To export and file all duplicate and formal application papers in foreign countries or with foreign or international intellectual property authorities;
· (2) To make amendments, modifications, and supplements, including divisions, changes or supporting matter consisting of the illustration, exemplification, comparison, or explanation of subject matter disclosed in the application; and
· (3) To take any action in the prosecution of the foreign application provided that the adding of subject matter or taking of any action under paragraphs (a)(1) or (2) of this section does not change the general nature of the invention disclosed in the application in a manner that would require such application to have been made available for inspection under 35 U.S.C. 181 by including technical data pertaining to:
· (i) Defense services or articles designated in the United States Munitions List applicable at the time of foreign filing, the unlicensed exportation of which is prohibited pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, and 22 CFR parts 120 through 130; or
· (ii) Restricted Data, sensitive nuclear technology or technology useful in the production or utilization of special nuclear material or atomic energy, dissemination of which is subject to restrictions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, as implemented by the regulations for Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities, 10 CFR part 810, in effect at the time of foreign filing.
· (b) Applications or other materials that were required to be made available for inspection under 35 U.S.C. 181 will be eligible for a license of the scope provided in this paragraph (b). Grant of this license authorizes the export of technical data pursuant to § 5.11(b) and the filing of an application in a foreign country or with any foreign or international intellectual property authority. Further, this license includes the authority to export and file all duplicate and formal papers in foreign countries or with foreign or international intellectual property authorities and to make amendments, modifications, and supplements to; file divisions of; and take any action in the prosecution of the foreign application, provided subject matter additional to that covered by the license is not involved.
· (c) A license granted under § 5.12(b) pursuant to § 5.13 or § 5.14 shall have the scope indicated in paragraph (a) of this section, if it is so specified in the license. A petition, accompanied by the required fee (§ 1.17(g) of this chapter), may also be filed to change a license having the scope indicated in paragraph (b) of this section to a license having the scope indicated in paragraph (a) of this section. No such petition will be granted if the copy of the material filed pursuant to § 5.13 or any corresponding United States application was required to be made available for inspection under 35 U.S.C. 181. The change in the scope of a license will be effective as of the date of the grant of the petition.
· (d) In those cases in which no license is required to file or export the foreign application, no license is required to file papers in connection with the prosecution of the foreign application not involving the disclosure of additional subject matter.
· (e) Any paper filed abroad or transmitted to a foreign or international intellectual property authority following the filing of a foreign application that changes the general nature of the subject matter disclosed at the time of filing in a manner that would require such application to have been made available for inspection under 35 U.S.C. 181 or that involves the disclosure of subject matter listed in paragraph (a)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section must be separately licensed in the same manner as a foreign application. Further, if no license has been granted under § 5.12(a) after filing the corresponding United States application, any paper filed abroad or with a foreign or international intellectual property authority that involves the disclosure of additional subject matter must be licensed in the same manner as a foreign application.
· (f) Licenses separately granted in connection with two or more United States applications may be exercised by combining or dividing the disclosures, as desired, provided:
· (1) Subject matter which changes the general nature of the subject matter disclosed at the time of filing or which involves subject matter listed in paragraphs (a)(3) (i) or (ii) of this section is not introduced and,
· (2) In the case where at least one of the licenses was obtained under § 5.12(b), additional subject matter is not introduced.
· (g) A license does not apply to acts done before the license was granted. See § 5.25 for petitions for retroactive licenses.
· (a) The exportation of technical data relating to arms, ammunition, and implements of war generally is subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations of the Department of State (22 CFR parts 120 through 130); the articles designated as arms, ammunitions, and implements of war are enumerated in the U.S. Munitions List (22 CFR part 121). However, if a patent applicant complies with regulations issued by the Commissioner for Patents under 35 U.S.C. 184, no separate approval from the Department of State is required unless the applicant seeks to export technical data exceeding that used to support a patent application in a foreign country. This exemption from Department of State regulations is applicable regardless of whether a license from the Commissioner for Patents is required by the provisions of §§ 5.11 and 5.12 (22 CFR part 125).
· (b) When a patent application containing subject matter on the Munitions List (22 CFR part 121) is subject to a secrecy order under § 5.2 and a petition is made under § 5.5 for a modification of the secrecy order to permit filing abroad, a separate request to the Department of State for authority to export classified information is not required (22 CFR part 125).
· (a) Under regulations (15 CFR 734.3(b)(1)(v)) established by the Department of Commerce, a license is not required in any case to file a patent application or part thereof in a foreign country if the foreign filing is in accordance with the regulations (§§ 5.11 through 5.25 ) of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
· (b) An export license is not required for data contained in a patent application prepared wholly from foreign-origin technical data where such application is being sent to the foreign inventor to be executed and returned to the United States for subsequent filing in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (15 CFR 734.10(a)).
Under regulations (10 CFR 810.7) established by the United States Department of Energy, an application filed in accordance with the regulations (§§ 5.11 through 5.25 ) of the Patent and Trademark Office and eligible for foreign filing under 35 U.S.C. 184, is considered to be information available to the public in published form and a generally authorized activity for the purposes of the Department of Energy regulations.
· (a) A petition for retroactive license under 35 U.S.C. 184 shall be presented in accordance with § 5.13 or § 5.14(a), and shall include:
· (1) A listing of each of the foreign countries in which the unlicensed patent application material was filed,
· (2) The dates on which the material was filed in each country,
· (3) A verified statement (oath or declaration) containing:
· (i) An averment that the subject matter in question was not under a secrecy order at the time it was filed aboard [sic], and that it is not currently under a secrecy order,
· (ii) A showing that the license has been diligently sought after discovery of the proscribed foreign filing, and
· (iii) An explanation of why the material was filed abroad through error without the required license under § 5.11 first having been obtained, and
· (4) The required fee (§ 1.17(g) of this chapter).
· (b) The explanation in paragraph (a) of this section must include a showing of facts rather than a mere allegation of action through error. The showing of facts as to the nature of the error should include statements by those persons having personal knowledge of the acts regarding filing in a foreign country and should be accompanied by copies of any necessary supporting documents such as letters of transmittal or instructions for filing. The acts which are alleged to constitute error should cover the period leading up to and including each of the proscribed foreign filings.
· (c) If a petition for a retroactive license is denied, a time period of not less than thirty days shall be set, during which the petition may be renewed. Failure to renew the petition within the set time period will result in a final denial of the petition. A final denial of a petition stands unless a petition is filed under § 1.181 within two months of the date of the denial. If the petition for a retroactive license is denied with respect to the invention of a pending application and no petition under § 1.181 has been filed, a final rejection of the application under 35 U.S.C. 185 will be made.
In the interests of national security, the United States government imposes restrictions on the export of technical information. These restrictions are administered by the Departments of Commerce, State, and/or Energy depending on the subject matter involved. For the filing of patent applications and registrations of industrial designs in foreign countries, the authority for export control has been delegated to the Commissioner for Patents (note that the term "Commissioner of Patents" is used in Chapter 17 of title 35 of the U.S. Code, but "Commissioner for Patents" is used in most of the remainder of the statute and throughout title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations; both titles are understood to represent the same individual). Note that the export of subject matter abroad for purposes not related to foreign filing of a patent application or a registration of an industrial design, such as preparing an application in a foreign country for subsequent filing in the USPTO is not covered by any license from the USPTO. Applicants are directed to the Bureau of Industry and Security at the Department of Commerce for the appropriate clearances. For information on the requirements to export technical data abroad for purposes relating to the use of a World Intellectual Property Organization online service (ePCT) for preparing an international application for filing with the United States Receiving Office, see MPEP §§ 1821 and 1832.
There are two ways in which permission to file an application abroad may be obtained: either a petition for a foreign filing license may be granted (37 CFR 5.12 ) or an applicant may wait 6 months after filing an application in the USPTO (35 U.S.C. 184 ) at which time a license on that subject matter is no longer required as long as no Secrecy Order has been imposed. 37 CFR 5.11(e)(2).
There are several means by which a foreign filing license may be issued. First, every U.S. origin application filed in the USPTO is considered to include an implicit petition for a foreign filing license. The grant of a license is not immediate or even ensured. If the application is not marked by the security screeners, the petition is granted. The filing receipt or other official notice will indicate if a foreign filing license is granted. The license becomes effective on the date shown. Further, grant of this license is made of record in the application file. The scope of this license is quite broad as set forth in 37 CFR 5.15(a).
Pursuant to 37 CFR 5.12(a), the filing of an application on an invention made in the United States will be implicitly considered to include a petition for license under 35 U.S.C. 184 for the subject matter of the application. Explicit petitions for foreign filing licenses will also be accepted in accordance with 37 CFR 5.12(b). Such petitions may be hand carried to the Office, faxed to Licensing and Review, or submitted via EFS-Web. See MPEP §§ 502, 502.01 and 502.05. Applicants may be interested in such petitions in cases:
· (A) in which the filing receipt license is not granted;
· (B) in which the filing receipt has not yet been issued (37 CFR 5.14(a) or (b));
· (C) in which there is no corresponding U.S. application (37 CFR 5.13 );
· (D) in which subject matter additional to that already licensed is sought to be licensed (37 CFR 5.14(c) and 5.15(e)); or
· (E) in which expedited handling is requested.
The scope of any license granted on these petitions is indicated on the license.
Petitions under 37 CFR 5.14(a) or (b) as well as any license granted on the petition are made of record in the application file. Petitions under 37 CFR 5.14(c) are not ordinarily made of record in the application file.
Applicants granted a license under 37 CFR 5.12(b) having the relatively narrow scope indicated in 37 CFR 5.15(b) may petition under 37 CFR 5.15(c) to convert the license to the broad scope of 37 CFR 5.15(a). A fee is charged for such a petition. See 37 CFR 1.17(g). If the petition is granted, the change in the scope of the license is effective as of that day.
Generally, a license will be granted, if there is no national security concern, within 3 business days from receipt of the petition filed under 37 CFR 5.12(b) in Licensing and Review. Applicants are strongly encouraged to hand deliver or fax the license request directly to Licensing and Review at 571-270-9959 (preferred) or 571-273-0185. Applicants should also provide a contact number or fax number to which the license should be sent. Without this information, the license will be mailed to the requester, thereby delaying the receipt of the license.
A petition for a retroactive filing license may be filed under 37 CFR 5.25 if an unlicensed foreign filing has occurred through error. However, the requirements of 37 CFR 5.25 must be fulfilled in order for such a petition to be granted. Note that for petitions filed prior to September 16, 2012, the petition must specify that the error occurred without deceptive intent (see pre-AIA 37 CFR 5.25(a)(3)(iii) and (b) ). Licenses under 37 CFR 5.25 are only made retroactive with respect to specific acts of foreign filing, and therefore the countries, the actual dates of filing and the establishing of the nature of the error must be provided for each act of proscribed foreign filing for which a retroactive license is sought. Also, the required verified statement must be in oath or declaration form.
Upon written notification from the USPTO, any foreign filing license required by 37 CFR 5.11(a) may be revoked. Ordinarily, revocation indicates that additional review of the licensed subject matter revealed the need for referral of the application to the appropriate defense agencies. Revocation of a filing receipt license (37 CFR 5.12(a) ) does not necessarily mean that a petition under 37 CFR 5.12(b) for a license of narrower scope will not be granted. The revocation becomes effective on the date on which the notice is mailed. Foreign filings, which occurred prior to revocation, need not be abandoned or otherwise specially treated; however, additional filings without a license are not permitted unless 6 months have elapsed from the filing of any corresponding U.S. application. Papers and other documents needed in support of prosecution of foreign applications may be sent abroad if they comply with any pertinent export regulations. Of course, if and once a Secrecy Order is issued, the restrictions thereof must immediately be observed.
Only the imposition of a Secrecy Order will cause revocation of the authority which arises from 35 U.S.C. 184 to file a foreign application 6 months or later after the date of filing of a corresponding U.S. patent application.
The penalties for failing to obtain any necessary license to file a patent application abroad are set forth in 35 U.S.C. 182, 35 U.S.C. 185, and 35 U.S.C. 186 and include loss of patenting rights in addition to possible fine or imprisonment. Petitions for retroactive foreign filing licenses are processed by Licensing and Review and decided by the Office of Petitions. See MPEP § 1002.02(b). If applicant also wishes an expedited license for future filings, a separate expedited license request must be filed with Licensing and Review.
If, upon examining an application, the examiner learns of the existence of a corresponding foreign application which appears to have been filed before the United States application had been on file for 6 months, and if the invention apparently was made in this country, the examiner shall refer the application to Licensing and Review calling attention to the foreign application. Pending investigation of the possible violation, the application may be returned to the TC for prosecution on the merits. When it is otherwise in condition for allowance, the application will be again submitted to Licensing and Review unless the latter has already reported that the foreign filing involves no bar to the United States application.
If it should be necessary to take action under 35 U.S.C. 185, Licensing and Review will request transfer of the application to it.
· (d) Applications reported to Department of Energy. Applications for patents which appear to disclose, purport to disclose or do disclose inventions or discoveries relating to atomic energy are reported to the Department of Energy, which Department will be given access to the applications. Such reporting does not constitute a determination that the subject matter of each application so reported is in fact useful or is an invention or discovery, or that such application in fact discloses subject matter in categories specified by 42 U.S.C. 2181(c) and (d).
Title 42 United States Code, Section 2182 reads in part:
No patent for any invention or discovery, useful in the production or utilization of special nuclear material or atomic energy, shall be issued unless the applicant files with the application, or within thirty days after request therefor by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (unless the Commission advises the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office that its rights have been determined and that accordingly no statement is necessary) a statement under oath setting forth the full facts surrounding the making or conception of the invention or discovery described in the application and whether the invention or discovery was made or conceived in the course of or under any contract, subcontract, or arrangement entered into with or for the benefit of the Commission, regardless of whether the contract, subcontract, or arrangement involved the expenditure of funds by the Commission. The Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office shall as soon as the application is otherwise in condition for allowance forward copies of the application and the statement to the Commission.
Similarly, Title 51 United States Code, section 20135 provides in part:
(d) Patent Application. - No patent may be issued to any applicant other than the Administrator for any invention which appears to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Director") to have significant utility in the conduct of aeronautical and space activities unless the applicant files with the Director, with the application or within 30 days after request therefor by the Director, a written statement executed under oath setting forth the full facts concerning the circumstances under which the invention was made and stating the relationship (if any) of the invention to the performance of any work under any contract of the Administration. Copies of each such statement and the application to which it relates shall be transmitted forthwith by the Director to the Administrator.
Property rights statements to DOE or NASA may be filed at any time but should be updated if necessary to accurately reflect property rights at the time the application is allowed.
Shortly after filing, an informal request for a property rights statement will be mailed to those applicants whose nonprovisional applications have been marked by the USPTO security screeners as being of interest to DOE or NASA. Provisional applications are not subject to DOE or NASA property rights review. While no formal time period is set, a response by applicants within 45 days will expedite processing. If the statement submitted during this period is defective, another letter is sent from Licensing and Review detailing the deficiencies and giving applicant another opportunity to respond during this period of informal correspondence.
If no response to the initial so called 45-Day Letter is received or if repeated efforts to correct a defective statement evidence an absence of cooperation on the part of the applicant, a formal request for a statement in accordance with the statutes will be made. A 30-day statutory period for response is then set. There is no provision for an extension of this time period. If no proper and timely statement is received, the application will be held abandoned and the applicant so notified. Such applications may be revived under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.137. In re Rutan, 231 USPQ 864 (Comm’r Pat. 1986).
Any papers pertaining to property rights under section 152 of the Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2182, (DOE), or section 305(c) or the National Aeronautics and Space Act, 42 U.S.C. 2457, (NASA), that have not been associated with the application file, or have not been made of record in the file and processed by the Licensing and Review section, must be sent to the Licensing and Review section immediately.
The law requires the statement to set forth "the full facts" surrounding the conception and making of the invention. These facts should include those which are unique to that invention. The use of form paragraphs or printed forms which set forth only broad generalized statements of fact is not ordinarily regarded as meeting the requirements of these statutes.
The word "applicant" in both of these statutes is construed by the Office to mean the inventor or joint inventors in person, or an assignee, obligated assignee, or a person who otherwise shows sufficient proprietary interest in the matter. Accordingly, in the ordinary situation, the statements must be signed by the inventor or the joint inventors, or an assignee, obligated assignee, or a person who otherwise shows sufficient proprietary interest in the matter if available. This construction is consistent with the fact that no other person could normally be more knowledgeable of the "full facts concerning the circumstances under which such invention was made," (42 U.S.C. 2457) or, "full facts surrounding the making or conception of the invention or discovery" (42 U.S.C. 2182). If a request under 37 CFR 1.48 for correction of inventorship is granted during pendency of an application in which a property rights statement has been filed, a supplemental statement executed by any added inventor(s) is required and should promptly be filed with Licensing and Review.
In instances where an applicant does not have firsthand knowledge whether the invention involved work under any contract, subcontract, or arrangement with or for the benefit of the Atomic Energy Commission, or had any relationship to any work under any contract of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and includes in his or her statement information of this nature derived from others, his or her statement should identify the source of his or her information. Alternatively, the statement by the applicant could be accompanied by a supplemental declaration or oath, as to the contractual matters, by the assignee or other person, e.g., an employee thereof, who has the requisite knowledge.
When an inventor applicant is deceased or legally incapacitated, or where it is shown to the satisfaction of this Office that he or she refuses to furnish a statement or cannot be reached after diligent efforts, declarations or statements under oath setting forth the information required by the statutes may be accepted from an officer or employee of the assignee who has sufficient knowledge of the facts. The offer of such substitute statements should be based on the actual unavailability of or refusal by the applicant, rather than mere inconvenience. Where it is shown that one of the joint inventors is deceased or unavailable, a statement by all of the other inventor(s) may be accepted.
The following is an acceptable format for statements to DOE or NASA assuming that no government funds or other considerations were involved in the making or conception of the invention. It is important that the information provided in the statement be an accurate reflection of the fact situation at the time the statement is made. While the sample below is in the form of a declaration, a sworn oath is equally acceptable.
Note that the statement must be in the form of an oath or declaration. Further note that the statement must be signed by all the inventors. See also the notice entitled "Statements Filed Under Atomic Energy Act and NASA Act" published in 914 OG 1 (Sept. 4, 1973) for further information.
I (We) _____________________ citizens of residing at declare: That I (we) made and conceived the invention described and claimed in patent application number filed in the United States of America on titled.
I (We) ________________ citizens of ________________ residing at ________________ declare: That I (we) made and conceived the invention described and claimed in patent application number ________________ filed in the United States of America on ________________ titled ________________.
(Include completed I. or II. below)
I. (for Inventors Employed by an Organization)
That I (we) made and conceived this invention while employed by ________________.
That the invention is related to the work I am (we are) employed to perform and was made within the scope of my (our) employment duties;
That the invention was made during working hours and with the use of facilities, equipment, materials, funds, information and services of ________________.
Other relevant facts are: ________________.
That to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief based upon information provided by ________________ of ________________:
II. (For Self-Employed Inventors)
That I (we) made and conceived this invention on my (our) own time using only my (our) own facilities, equipment, materials, funds, information and services.
Other relevant facts are ________________
That to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief:
(Include III. and/or IV. below as appropriate)
III. The invention or discovery was not made or conceived in the course of, or in connection with, or under the terms of any contract, subcontract or arrangement entered into with or for the benefit of the United States Atomic Energy Commission or its successors Energy Research and Development Administration or the Department of Energy.
IV. The invention was not made under nor is there any relationship of the invention to the performance of any work under any contract of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
V. The undersigned inventor(s) declare(s) further that all statements made herein of his or her (their)own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true and further that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent issuing thereon.
Inventor’s Signature________________
Post Office Address________________
Inventor’ s Signature________________
Post Office Address________________