chapter   4   Patent classification

1.  Introduction

The patent office adopts the International patent classification to  conduct the classification for a patent application for invention and a  patent application for utility model.  The latest chinese version of the  “International patent  classification (Ipc, including  the  Guide  to  the  Ipc)”shall be the working text.  where there is discrepancy in inter-  pretation, the same version of English or French shall prevail.

The purposes of classification areas follows:

(1 )establishment  of patent  application  files  which  are  advanta-  geous to patent search;

(2)distribution of patent applications for invention or for utility model to the corresponding examination departments;and

(3)classifying the patent applications for invention or for utility model according to the classification symbols so as to make them pub- lished or announced in a systematicalway.

This chapter only involves  the  classification  for patent  applica-  tions  for  invention  and  utility  model.    The  classification  for  design  shall follow the provisions in chapter3 , section 12 of this part.


2.  contents of classification

when the technical subject of each patent application for inven-  tion or utility model is classified, the complete classification symbols  which represent the invention information of an invention or a utility  modelshall be provided.  It is desirable that any additional information  be classified.  The classification symbol which most adequately repre-  sents the invention information shall be listed first.

Invention information is technical information in the whole text of apatent application (for example, the claims, description and drawings)  that represents contribution to the prior art.  The technical information contributing to the prior art means all novel and nonobvious technical information specially disclosed in a patent application.

Additional information does not in itself represent contribution to  the prior art, but it might be useful to the search.  The additional infor-  mation includes the technical information which is identified by the indexing  code.   The  additional  information  complements  the  invention information.  For example, the  components  of a  composition or mix- ture, elements or components of a processor structure, or features  of use or application of a classified technical subject.


3.  Technical subject


3. 1 Category of Technical subject

Technical subjects of inventions-creations may refer to processes,  products, apparatus  or  materials, including  the  way  these  are  used  or applied.  The scope  of these technical  subjects  shall  be  interpreted in their widest sense.

(1 )processes,  such  as  polymerization,  fermentation,  separation,   shaping, conveying, treating of textiles, transfer and transformation of  energy, building, preparation of foodstuffs, testing, methods of operat-  ing equipments and ways in which they work, processing and transmit-  ting information.

(2)products,such as chemical compounds, compositions, fabrics, articles of manufacture.

(3)Apparatus, such as installations used in chemical or physical  processes,tools, implements, machines, devices  for performing  opera-  tions.

(4)Materials, such as ingredients of mixtures.

Material includes any substance, intermediate product, or compo-

sition for making product.  The examples of material areas follows: [Example1]

concrete.  Its component materials are cement,sand, rock and wa-  ter.


plywood used for manufacturing furniture.  It is a material com- posed of multiple  layers  that  are  of  even  thickness,  in  more  or less continuous contact with one another, and bonded together.

It shall be noted that an apparatus may be regarded as a product,   since it is produced by a process.  The term “apparatus”is associated  with an intended use or purpose,e.g. , apparatus for generating gases,   apparatus for cutting.  However, the term “product”is only used to de-  note the result of a process regardless of the function of the product,e.   g. , the endproduct of a chemical or manufacturing process.  Materials  perse may constitute products.

3.2 Determination of Technical subject

The technical subjectshall be determined according to the whole text of a patent application (for example, the claims, description and drawings).  when the technical subject is determined on the basis of the claims,the unclaimed technical subjectshall also be determined on the basis of the description and drawings.


3. 2. 1 circumstances in Which Technical subject is Determined on the Basis of claims

where the  technical  subject  is  determined  on  the  basis  of the claims, the technical contents described in the claims shall be construed as a whole.  For example, when the technical subject is determined by the independent claim, the technical features indicated in the preamble portion shall be combined with the technical features indicated in the characterizing portion.

Furthermore, the contents of the description and drawings shall be  combined to correctly construe or clarify the technical features consti-  tuting the claimed technical solution indicated in the claims.

(1)Generally, the technical features in the preamble portion of the  independent claimshall be the major technical features, while the tech-  nical features in the characterizing portion shall be regarded as restric-  tion to the preamble portion.


Abuilding board used for wall  or roof, characterized  in that it consists of sheets, each of which is rectangle and comprises four parts,  the surface shape of each part is hyperbolic paraboloid.

The technical subject is a sheet building board, used for wall or roof,and characterized in shape.


Acrude oil composition with an improved pour-point which com- prises wax-bearing crude oil and an effective amount of pour-point de- pressant additive, wherein the  additive  consists  of polymer  of  ethene and acrylonitrile and tripolymer.

The technical subject is:a crude oil composition characterized in an additive consisting of the polymer of ethene and acrylonitrile and tripolymer.


Amechanical shock absorber of cotton textile machine, characterized in that viscoelastic materials are stuck on the steel plate so that the two combine as one entire piece.

The technical subject is:a mechanical shock absorber of cotton textile machine  with  viscoelastic  materials  stuck  on  steel  plate  com- bined as one entire piece.


Aloudspeaker, the piezoelectric ceramic sheet being connected at one end of the tubular shell by press, and the loudspeaker opening be-  ing at the other end, with two metal contacts being on the piezoelectric  ceramic sheet, characterized  in  that  a  layer  of  vibration  shell  is  in-

stalled on the  outside  of the  loudspeaker  shell, being  connected  with the edge of the loudspeaker opening, and there is an interval between the two shells to comprise a twin shell.

The technical subject is:a piezoelectric ceramic sheet loudspeak- er, characterized in twin shell.


An active dye compound, characterized in that the process of syn- thesis is by means of enzyme…

The technical  subject  is:an  active  dye  compound  synthesized with the use of enzyme…

(2)where the subject matter described in the preamble portion of  the independent claim has  no  specific  place  in the  classification, the  determination of the technical subjectshall be made mainly on the ba-  sis of the technical features described in the characterizing portion, and  the technical features described in the preamble portion shall beregar-  ded as the restriction to the characterizing portion.


Aswitch, comprises a shell, the control device, wire tunnel, and open/close contact being equipped in the shell cover, characterized in that a  light  transmitting  board  made  of  transparent  materials  and  a glow bulb indicating switch position are equipped under the opening of the shell cover.

The technical subject is:a device of a switch capable of indica-  ting the position of the switch.


Atiming clock comprising of a shell and a cassette mechanism,   characterized in that the shell is made of ceramic material, its appear-  ance is…

The technical subject is:the shell of a timing clock made ofceramic material …


3.2.2 circumstances in Which Technical subject canNot BeDe-  termined on the Basis of claims

where the technical subject cannot be determined on the basis of the claims, the determination shall be made on the basis of the techni- cal problems solved by the invention or utility model, the technical so- lutions, technical effects or embodiments described in the description.


3.2.3 unclaimed Technical subject to Be Determined on the Basis of Description and Drawings

If the contents of the contribution to the prior art are described in the description and drawings, even though the contents have not been claimed, the technical subject of the contents shall also be determined.


4.  Method of classification

For a patent application, the invention information and additional information related to the technical subjectshall be determined first,

then the classification symbols corresponding to the invention informa-  tion and the additional information shall be assigned.


4. 1 classification in Whole

The technical  subjectshall  be  classified, as  far  as  possible, as  a whole and not by separate classification of constituent parts.

However, if some constituent part of a technical subject represents contribution to the prior art, the constituent part constitutes  invention information and  shall be  classified.   For  example, when  classifying  a larger system as a whole, if the parts or components of the system are novel and nonobvious, both the system and these parts or components shall be classified respectively.


Atumbler auto-control bridge telescopic slot device consisting of middle   girder,   elastic   sealing   element,   transverse-joist,  supporting spring, transverse-joist  sealing  box  and  so  on,  characterized  in  that each transverse-joist …

To classify the bridge telescopic slot device as a whole, it is to be classified into E01D19/06 .

If the transverse-joist is novel and nonobvious, it is to be classified into E04c3/02 .

[Example 2]

Asolid waste disposal system consists of import device and appa-  ratuses of sorting, smashing, metal retrieving, plastic retrieving, fertiliz-  er making and so on.

To classify the solid waste disposal system as a whole, it is to be classified into B0gB3/00 .

If the apparatus of smashing is novel and nonobvious, it is also to be classified into B02c21/00 .


4.2 Determination of Function classification or Application classi-  fication


4.2. 1 classification According to Function

If the technical subject is characterized by the intrinsic nature or

function of a thing, and is not limited by a particular field of use, the technical subjectshall be classified according to its function.

If the technical subject relates to a particular application, but not specifically  disclosed  or  fully   identified,  the   classification  shall  be made according to the function if the place of functional classification exists in the classification or if several applications are broadly men- tioned.


The valves  characterized  by  structural  or  functional  aspects  that do not depend on the nature of the particular fluid (e. g. , oil)passing therethrough or any system including the valve are classified according to the function and to be classified into F16k.


The organic chemical compounds characterized by their chemical structure are classified according to function and to be classified into c07 .


Acutting machine with a disk cutter turned around sliding shaft is  classified according to its function and to be  classified into B26D1/ 157 .


4.2.2 classification According to Application

If the technical subject is as follows, classification shall be made according to application.

(1 )The  technical  subject  concerns  a  thing  which  is“specially adapted fora particular use or purpose. [Example]

Amechanical valve specially adapted for insertion into a human heart is classified according to its application and to be classified into A61F2/24 .

(2)The technical  subject concerns  the particular use  or applica-  tion of a thing.


Filters  specially  adapted  for  cigarette  are  classified  according to their application and to be classified into A24D3/00 .

(3)The technical subject concerns the incorporation of a thing in- to alarger system.


The incorporation of a leaf spring into the suspension of a vehicle wheel is  classified  according  to  application  and  to  be  classified  into B60G11/02 .


4.2.3 classification According to Both Function and Application

If the technical subject relates both to the intrinsic nature or func-  tion of a thing and to its particular use or purpose, or its special appli-  cation of incorporation into a larger system, the classification shall be  made according to both function and application.

If the circumstances mentioned in proceeding sections4 . 2 . 1 and 4 . 2 . 2  are  not  applicable,  the  technical  subject  classification  is  made according to both function and application.


Acoating composition concerns both its ingredient and its parti-  cularuse.  It is classified not only into the appropriate place of c0gD 101/00 to 201/00 according to its function, but also into c0gD5/00  according to its application.


Aleaf spring arranged in the suspension of a vehicle, if the leaf  spring itself is novel and nonobvious, is classified into F16F1/18 ac-  cording to its function.  If the arrangement of the leaf spring in the sus-  pension of a vehicle is also novel and nonobvious, it is also classified  into B60G11/02 according to its application.


4.2.4 special circumstances

(1)where the technical subject should be classified according to function, if there  is  no  such  place  of  functional  classification  in  the classification, the classification shall be made according to appropriate application.


covering flux stripper for cable.

since there is no place of functional classification for a covering flux stripper in the classification, it is to be classified into H02G1/12 according to its application,i. e. , mainly for removing insulation or ar- mouring from cable.

(2)where the technical subject should be classified according to application, if there is no such place of application classification in the classification, the classification shall be made according to appropriate function.


A refrigerator  protection  device  for  overload,  overvoltage   and time delay startup.

If there is no place of application classification for an emergency  protective-circuit specially adapted for a refrigerator in the classifica-  tion, it is to be classified into subclass H02Haccording to its function,   i. e. , an emergency protective-circuit device.

(3)where the technical subject should be classified according to both function and application, if there is  no  such place  of functional classification in the classification, it is to be classified only according to application;if there is no such place of application classification in the classification, it is to be classified only according to function.


A generator  suited  for  illumination  for  animal-drawn  cart  is  e- quipped with agear-ratio-adjustable gearbox and can be easily coupled with the wheel.

If there  is  no  place  of  application  classification  for  a  generator  specially adapted for illumination for animal-drawn cart in the classifi-  cation,it is to be classified in H02k7/116 only according to its func-  tion.


4.3 Multiple Classifications

The primary purpose of classification is for search.  Multiple clas-  sification symbols may be assigned on the basis of the contents of the  technical subject.

where the patent application concerns different categories of subject matters which constitute the invention information, multiple classi-  fication shall be made according to the related subject matters.  For ex-  ample, where the subject matters concern a product and its manufactur-  ing process,if there are classification places of the product and process  in the classification, the product and process shall be classified respec-  tively.

where the  technical  subject  concerns  classification  according  to both function and application, the classification shall be made accord- ing to both function and application.

The multiple  classification  or  classification  in  combination  with  indexing codes shall also be used as much as possible when the addi-  tional information is useful for the search.


4.3. 1 Multiple Aspects Classification of Technical subject

Multiple aspects classification of the technical subject represents a special type of multiple classification.  Multiple aspects classification is applied to the technical subject which, by its nature, is characterized by several aspects, for example, by its intrinsic structure and its particular use or function.  classifying of such subject matter according to only one aspect would lead to incomplete search information.

The classification places  in  the  classification  are  indicated  with note to show the use of multiple aspects classification.


G11B7/24  .     record  carriers  characterized  by  the  selection  of the material or by the structure or form

G11B7/241 .    .    characterized by the  selection of the material

G11B7/252 .    .    .    of layers other than recording layers Note:

In  subgroup  G11B7/252,  multiple  aspects  classification  is  ap- plied, so that if the technical  subject is  characterized by aspects  cov- ered by  more  than  one  of  its  subgroups,  the  subject  mattershall  be classified in each of those subgroups.

G11B7/253 .    .    .    .    Base layers

G11B7/254 .    .    .    .    protective topcoat layers

when the technical subject concerns both the base layers and pro-  tective topcoat  layers  of  layers  other  than  recording  layers,  the  base  layers and protective topcoat layers  shall be  classified into G11B7/ 253 and G11B7/254 respectively.

4. 3.2 secondary classification

secondary classification is used for obligatory supplementary clas-  sification for the technical subject already classified in other classifica-  tion  places.   Examples   of  such   secondary  classification  areA01P,  A61P,A61Qand c12s.

The symbols in secondary classification shall not be used as the first place classification symbols.


4.3.3 Hybrid system and Indexing code

The hybrid system consists of classification symbols and indexing codes used together with it.

Indexing codes can only be applied in combination with classifi-  cation symbols.  Indexing codes have a format similar to classification  symbols but usually use a unique numbering system.

The  note  in  the  classification  indicates  the  classification  place where the indexing code may be used.  correspondingly,a note, title or heading before the indexing codes indicates  with which classification symbols those indexing codes are used.


4.4 special classification for Technical subject

(1 )Technical  subject  may  have  different  classification.    If  the classification place is not provided for the technical subject of a certain category,the most appropriate technical subject of other category shall be used for classification, see section 8 of this chapter for details.

(2 )If the  classification  place  adequately  covering  the  technical subject can not be found, the technical subjectshall be classified in the special remaining group 99/00 .

[Example] section A

A99z99/00  subject  matter  not  otherwise  provided  for  in  this section.

section Fsubclass F02M

F02M 99/00  subject  matter  not  otherwise  provided  for  in  this subclass.


5.  summary of Rules for classification Places

In some places of the classification, the reference or note indicates how to use priority rules(the first place rule and the last place rule) and special rules.  Attention shall be paid to the usage of these classifi-  cation place rules.

The note is applicable only to the relevant place and its further di-  vided places, and shall prevail over the general rules if it conflicts with  the general rules.


6.  classification steps

The classification  is  made  in  order  of  hierarchy,i.e. ,  section,  class, subclass, group and subgroup, until the appropriate group of the lowest level is found.


7.  classification for patent Applications  at Different publication Levels


7. 1 classification of unsearched patent Applications

All claimed  subject matter that is  potentially novel  and unobvi-  ous, any potentially novel and unobvious constituents or components of  the claimed subject matter, and any unclaimed subject matter in the de-  scription and drawings that is potentially novel and unobvious shall be  classified as invention information.

It is desirable to classify or index all the claimed and non-claimed additional information if it is useful for search.


7.2 classification of searched and Examined patent Applications   All claimed subject matter that is novel and unobvious, any novel

and unobvious constituents or components of the claimed subject mat-  ter, and any unclaimed subject matter in the description and drawings  that is  novel  and unobvious  shall  be  classified  as  invention  informa-  tion.

It is desirable to classify or index all the claimed and non-claimed additional information if it is useful for search.


8.  classification of specific Technical subject


8. 1 chemical compounds

when the subject matter concerns a chemical compound perse,   e. g. , organic, inorganic or macromolecular compound, it shall be clas-  sified in section C.  when it also concerns  a  specific  field  of use, it  shall also be  classified in the place provided for that field of use, if such field of use  constitutes  contribution  to  the prior art.   However,  where the chemical  compound is  known and the  subject  matter  con- cerns only the application of the compound, it shall be classified only in the place covering the field of use.


8.2 chemical Mixtures or compositions

when the subject matter concerns a chemical mixture or composi-  tion perse, it shall be classified in a place according to its  chemical  composition,e.g. , the glass is classified into C03C, the cements or ce-  ramics are  classified into C04B, the  compositions  of  macromolecular  compounds are classified into C08L, and the alloys are classified into  C22C.  If such a place  does not exist in the Classification, it shall be  classified according to its use or application.  If the use or application  also constitutes contribution to the prior art,a mixture or composition  shall be classified according to both its chemical composition and its  use or application.  However, when the chemical mixture or composi-   tion is known and the subject matter concerns only its use or applica-   tion, it shall be classified only in the place covering the field of use or  application.


8.3 Preparation or Treatment of compounds

when the  subject  matter  concerns  a  process   of  preparation  or  treatment of a chemical compound, it  shall be  classified  in the place  for  the  process   of  preparation  or  treatment  of  the   compound  con-  cerned.  If such a place does not exist, it shall be classified in the place  of the compound.  when the compound resulting from the preparation  process is  also novel, the  compound  shall  also  be  classified.   subject  matter concerned with general processes  for the preparation, or treat-  ment, of a plurality of compounds  shall be classified in the place for  the processes employed.


8.4 Apparatus or Processes

when the subject matter concerns an apparatus, it shall be classi-  fied in the place for the apparatus.  when such a place does not exist,   the apparatus shall be classified in the place for the process performed  by that  apparatus.   when  the  subject  matter  concerns  a  process  for  making or treatment of products, it shall be classified in the place for  the process performed.  when such a place does not exist, it shall be  classified in the place for the apparatus performing the process.  If no place exists for the apparatus performing the process, it shall be classi-  fied in the place covering the product.


8.5 Articles of production

when the subject matter concerns an article, it shall be classified in the place for the article.   If no place exists for the article itself, it

shall be  classified  in  the  appropriate  place  according  to  the  function performed by the article.  If no classification place exists according to the function, the classification shall be made according to the field of use.


8.6 Multistep processes, Industrial plants

when the subject matter concerns a multistep processor an indus-  trial plant that consists, respectively, of a combination of process steps  or apparatus, it shall be classified as a whole,i.e. , in a place provided  for such combination,e.g. , subclass BogB.  If no such place exists in  the classification, it shall be classified in the place for the product ob-  tained by the processor plant.  when the subject matter concerns also  an element of the combination,e. g. , an individual step of the process  or machine of the plant, the elementshall also be separately classified.


8.7 Elements, structural parts

when  the  subject  matter  concerns   structural  or  functional  ele-  ments or parts of a product or an apparatus, the following rules  shall  apply.

Elements or parts only applicable to, or specially adapted for, one kind of product or apparatus, shall be classified in the elements or parts places of the product or apparatus.   If such places  do not exist, these elements or parts shall be classified in the place for the product or ap- paratus.

Elements or parts applicable to more than one of different kinds of product  or  apparatus   shall  be  classified  in  the  elements  or parts places of more general nature.   If such places  of more general nature do not exist, these elements or parts shall be classified according to all of the kinds of product or apparatus to which they explicitly apply.


8.8 General Chemical Formula

Ageneral formula is often used to express one or more genus of compound, wherein  at  least  one  group  of  the  formula  is   variable,e. g. ,Markushtype compound.  when an enormous number of com-   pounds are within the scope of general formula and are separately clas-   sifiable in a large number of classification places respectively, only the  individual chemical compounds most useful for search shall be classi-   fied.  If the chemical compounds are specified using a general chemi-  cal formula, the following classifying procedureshall be applied:

step 1 :Allfully identifiedcompounds that are novel and un-  obvious are classified.  Acompound is considered to befully identi-  fiedwhere:

(1)the structure is given by the exact chemical name or formula,  or can be  deduced  from  its  preparation  from  specified  reactants,  not more than one of which is selected from a list of alternatives;and

(2)the compound is characterized by a physical property, for ex-  ample, itsmelting point, or its preparation is described in one embodi-  ment giving practical elements.

compounds identified only by an empirical formula are not con- sidered to befully identified.

step 2:If no fully identifiedcompounds are disclosed, the gen- eral formula shall be classified in the most specific groups that cover all or most of the potential embodiments.  The classification of general chemical formula shall be limited to a single or a very small number of groups.

step 3 :In addition to the above classification according to steps1 and 2, the  classification may be made when other compounds  within the scope of the general formula are important.

when classification of all thefully identifiedcompounds into  their most specific classification places would lead to a number of clas-  sification symbols(e.g. , more than twenty), the classifier may reduce  the number of symbols.  This may only be done when the classification  of thefully identifiedcompounds would lead to the assignment of a  number of subgroups  under  a  single  group  at  the  next  hierarchically  higher level.  classification of these compounds may then be made in  the  higher  group  only.    otherwise,  classification  of  the   compounds  shall be made in all of the more specific subgroups.


8.9 Combinatorial Libraries

collections  composed  of  many  chemical  compounds,  biological  entities or other  substances  may  be  presented  in  the  form  oflibra-  ries.   The  library  as  a  whole  shall  be  classified  in  an  appropriate group in  subclass  C40B.  At  the  sametime,  the  individual  members  which are considered fully identifiedshall be classified into the most  specific places,e. g. , the  library  of  nucleotides  as  a  whole  shall be  classified into  an  appropriate  group  in  subclass  C40B.   At  the  same  time, thefully identifiednucleotideshall be classified into appropri-  ate places in section C.